Monday, March 27, 2006


Hitting 40

Today I am 40. I feel pretty good about where I am at this stage of my life. I have a wonderful family, my health, and a good job. We had a big party on Saturday with lots of family, and bowling too! (A bit sore from bowling, which shows how important cross training is.)

At my party, I told family members about my intention to run the marathon. This makes it in some sense official. Of course, no one would think less of me if I had to back down, but by going public this somehow makes the commitment feel more real. I think I need to make a definite commitment, revocable only for major injury or if some serious family situation takes priority.

I am planning to officially register for the race soon. If nothing else, I will have the motivation of not wanting to waste the non-refundable registration fee. The Cape Cod Marathon has a limited field of 1200 runners. I checked with the organizer and found out that they usually don't fill that number until September. Nevertheless, I will plan on sending in the entry form in the next few weeks. Then, the countdown begins!

I, too, am a runner. Cross country. My dad was also an experienced runner, as was his dad... It's kind of a family thing. But good luck with your marathon.
Thanks for reading, Monte!
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