Wednesday, April 05, 2006


This and that.

While running today I tried to think how to describe what it felt like. I feel pretty comfortable. There is a sense of relief when I finish, of course, but during the run I don't feel like I am doing anything to hard. Most days I feel like I could do 10 miles, if time permitted (tho I don't think I could do 10 a day, every day). I do feel a strain if I try to push the speed, so mostly I run at my "idle" speed. I feel blessed to be in this good health.

Got myself a training diary-- in the form of a chunky little spiral bound notebook. I've tried everything-- text documents, spreadsheets, writing on a paper calender, but have not found the perfect way to track my efforts. Most records peter out after a few weeks. Maybe this chunky notebook will fit the bill. I may also record weight and eating observations. I can't track everything I eat, as some do--I don't want to live that way. But I can make general remarks.

However, I did create a spreadsheet this weekend for my marathon training. I listst the planned mileage for each day, based on the 18 week training schedule, and places to fill in actual miles. When I begin the 18 weeks, I need to track much more carefully. I doubt I will be able to match the days and miles exactly, but I can try to get the weekly mileage as close as possible.

What do I do between now and when the official training begin? I think I'll make my best effort to average 15 miles a week (actual average is probably less than 10, since I skip so many days during the week). I think I'll also make it a goal to do a 10 mile run-- either an actual race or just a good workout.

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