Monday, May 22, 2006


Breaking the 8-minute mile

Good run today. Got into the office early enough to do a longer run, so I did my 7.1 mile route (Charles River to the BU Bridge). When I crunched the numbers, it turned out to be 7.5 minute miles! This is very encouraging. It seems my rest week has served me well. The news shoes probably had something to do with it. Not to mention nice weather-- brisk temps in the mid 40's, and bright sunshine.

I've been a little discouraged about my diet. There's been a post-party glut of snacky foods in the house, and I have done a poor job resisting them. I May have put on a pound or two as a result.

I've been thinking of writing a post about eating against one's better judgement--how one can see very clearly that something is not in one's best interest and chose it anyway. This is one definition of sin. Whoah--- sin! That is such a loaded word that I've been reluctant to bring it up. It need to be discussed very delicately. I don't want to sound moralistic, or turn off any secular readers. I'd rather approach it from the perspective of what it says about the human condition-- that we often stray off the path we've set for ourselves.

Anyhow, today was a good day, hopefully the kickoff to a good week.

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