Friday, May 19, 2006


Rain again, so what!

I was going to post on Wednesday saying how great it was that the rain was over (we had a solid week of it). They predicted showers today, which did not seem like a big deal. however, by the time I hit the street it was steady moderate rain. Before I was done it was steady heavy stuff.

So what? I really don't mind running in the rain, as long as it is not too cold. It was actually fairly pleasant. The worst part was avoiding the puddles and the muddy spots. I saw a fair number of other runners who were not deterred by the weather either.

I did a little over 4 miles, for a weekly total of about 16 or 17. I need to check my calender to see when my official training begins. Some point in the next month, but I don't know for sure the date.

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