Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm registered!

As of today, I am officially registered! I've put my money down, so if nothing else, my frugal nature will help me follow this through to completion--would hate to see that $50 go to waste. Now I will be sure to say "I am running a marathon this fall", not, "I think I am..." Also, I can let go of that little worry that I would not register early enough to be in before the 1200 runner cut off.

This week's training went well. It was a study in inprecision, by design. I was supposed to do a 4 miler on Tuesday, and a 5-miler today. I don't have handy routes for those distances, so I let myself to a slightly-shorter-than-3-mile route Tuesday, and a slightly-longer-than-5-mile route today.

I had to overcome a little internal resistance to depart from the official printed schedule, but I think I need to get used to the idea that close enough is good enough. There will likely be times in the next few months when I cannot do every single run to the prescribed distance, due to time limitations, or health, or weather. For example, if its 100 degrees out, and I "have to" run 8 miles, I need to be comfortable skipping it, or doing an easy 3 miles instead. Or, if I have to stay up late because one of the kids is sick, or something, then its ok if it means I can't make the next days run as planned.

In another effort to lighten up, I intentionally left the watch in the locker on one of the runs.

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