Friday, July 07, 2006


Week 2 wrap up

Feeling pretty good about my second week. Monday was a vacation day and Tues. was the Fourth of July, but I kept to my schedule, running 3 miles each day. I even got ambitious and did my home hill route for Monday's run (the loop is a one mile course with a serious hill-- see earlier post). I averaged about 8:07 per mile, which is very good, but each loop was progessively slower, so I have concerns about the hill series of the CCM. My concerns are about meeting my time goals. I believe I can stagger up any number of hills at some pace.

Today's 7 miler went well, tho it was not my fastest run for this distance.

So, the second week done according to plan. I don't think I'll be able to keep the schedule this perfectly for the duration, but I'll do my best.

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