Friday, August 18, 2006


Halfway there!

This morning I ran the scheduled 13 miler. Actually, I plotted a 13.1 mile route, in order to get teh half-marathon length. I was essentially last week's 12 mile route, with an extra bit tacked on the end. So, last week's pioneering path felt like old hat already.
I managed 8 minute miles again (almost exactly, which is spooky, except my distance calculation was probably not exact, so who knows what my real time is). This is very encouraging. I saw one estimate that says you can take your half marathon time, double it and add 10 minutes to get your full marathon time (assuming you train for the distance, of course). So based on this, the sub-4 hour time is definitely achievable. EXCEPT: today's coarse was very flat, and the CCM is not. We will have to see...
I felt pretty good for most of the run-- the weather was cool and clear. I was suprised to find that I had some energy to push (slightly) during the last 2 miles, when I saw that the 8 minute pace was in reach. I could have gone further if I had to. Twice as far? Not yet.
Next week I will be on vacation, and will do my running in New Hampshire. I have a coarse map of the area, but I won't try to get exact distances in. This is ok since this is an easy week. Well, sort of easy. There are a lot of hills where we are staying, so I'll get some good hill work in.
On to the second half!

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