Monday, August 07, 2006


Ratcheting it up a notch

Now things are going to get interesting. This phase of training definitely, without at doubt, new territory for me. This week's runs are 3, 6, 3, and 12. A few observations:
1. The midweek hard run is up to 6 miles now-- This is a serious run. It will take some planning the night before so I can get this run in and be on time for work.
2. The 12 miler will be my longest run yet. Ever
3. Even though 12 miles is getting close to half a marathon, the week's total will be 24 which is still fewer miles than the marathon.

I'll feel pretty confident about the future of this endeavor if I can get through this week and still feel ok.

By the way, I'm doing better with the diet motivation (keeping up the carbs, cutting out the junky food). I think my subconcious is onto the idea that we're preparing for a serious challenge.

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