Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I did it!

I did it! I finished the marathon! My time was 3:57, within the 4 hour goal by a narrow margin. This was not my best-hoped-for time, but I am quite pleased.
The weather was definitely a trial (and a good excuse!). The winds were something like 30 miles per hour, with gusts over 50 mph.

Afterwards, I said to myself "I'm never going to do that again!" but already, a few days out, I'm starting to think maybe I'll give it another try one of these years. I did quite a bit of walking on the last third of the course-- how well could I do without the walking? How about a flat course, and more favorable weather? etc. etc.

Well, I hope to post a longer, more detailed report on the marathon experience, but I just wanted to get this brief bit up now.

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